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Sponsorship Opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting (16 included)
2 Remaining

Premier Sponsor (12 included) $0.00

Platinum Sponsor (8 included) $0.00

Gold Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Silver Sponsor (8 included) $0.00

Patron Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Tee Sponsor $0.00

Cash Donation $0.00

I would like to make a donation

I authorize SHELTER, Inc. to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Swing for Shelter 2019. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.
Title Sponsor


Presenting Sponsor

Maggie & Norm Eggen


Platinum Sponsor



Gold Sponsors


Image result for markstein logo

Robert & Janet Besse 

Julie Davis

Dave & Joanna Mechler


Silver Sponsors


James & Vallerie van Hoften

Susan & Peter Wickens 


Patron Sponsors



Bennett & Andrea Gleason 

Donald Rhoads & Barbara Elenteny